Leveraging A.I for Advanced Analytics on Student Performance

Our powerful analytics engine performs data analytics on student performance and provides useful insights.

Right time to digitize your Institute!

EdTech is here to stay

EdTech enhances the learning and performance of students and even teachers/trainers. Its practical application holds the potential to create an industry-changing experience for an educator and those learning by streamlining time-consuming processes across segments such as lesson planning, reporting, record keeping, and more elements observable in conventional learning methods.

Mobile Apps in Education

Post COVID, The integration of information technology and Mobile Apps in education are further being accelerated and that Technology will eventually become an integral component of school and college education.

Features for Modern Day Educational needs

A new hybrid model of education is emerging, which combines the best aspects of traditional education with significant benefits of Information technology in Education.

Virtual Classes (Live)

Create Virtual Classrooms and conduct Live Online Classes with Audio Video Conferencing and Chat Interface.

Online Courses & Notes

Create and share Online Courses with Video content and Class Notes which students can access as and when required

Student Performance Analytics

Our powerful analytics engine performs various analysis on student performance and provides useful insights.

Online Assessments (Tests)

Conduct online tests seamlessly. Any add-on tests or quizzes can be conducted to engage students in fruitful competitions.

Online Attendance System

Teachers can take attendance of the students in the class through our mobile app and students see their everyday live attendance.

Cloud based Push Notifications Module

Administration or Faculties can send Push Notifications to students regarding any announcements & events.

Features for Day to Day Academic Needs

Our Application suite consists of several modules with significant importance of its own.
All the modules are interoperable and talk to each other on our common platform.

Classes Timetable

Timetable can be scheduled and made available to the Students & Teachers in their Mobile App.

Offline Tests And Exams Scheduling

All Tests and Exams can be scheduled and Timetable will be available to the Students through Mobile App.

Subjects & Syllabus Management

Manage and maintain Curriculum Details of each Class, Semesters and their complete Syllabus.

Events Management And Calendar

Calendar of Events in the Institute can be scheduled in the software and all Students can view details of events through the App.

Digital Notice Board

Digital Notice Board allows to make announcements and send Push Notifications to Students, Teachers and Parents.

Marks & Reports Delivery Module

Our Marks Delivery module helps send tests results through SMS and Notifications to students and parents.

Cloud based Push Notifications Module

Administration or Faculties can send Push Notifications to students regarding any announcements & events.

Library Books Assignment

This module helps manage and track Library Books assigned to students by showing available and assigned books list.

Live College Bus Tracking

Users can track the College Buses using mobile app. This also helps administration to manage their fleet of buses.


Conduct Polls on various topics and gather opinion from students and faculties with a consolidated result interface.

Course Planner

Our Course Planner Module is designed by keeping Ease of Use by teachers in mind. It makes planning & scheduling of the course curriculum intuitive and effective

Knowledge Centre & Repository

A central repository for all the resources, links, documents related to curriculum for overall development of students

ICT in education is inevitable!

reports have stressed the capabilities of the emerging technology in providing institutions with a clear understanding of many things in the sector, such as tracking student progress and much more. Also, keeping in mind the differences in the learning pace of each student, edtech tools help teachers provide individualized attention to boost the capabilities and spirits of students. Reports indicate that technology in the classrooms and other types of learning, such as corporate learning, is here for the long haul. Many Institutes today believe in the capabilities of technology.

LearnFrame brings into life the values of Technology in Education through our continuously improving SAAS platform

Students, Teachers & Parents App
Mobile App and Web App
Cloud based SAAS - Zero Setup
Highly Modular
Highly Scalable
Highly Secure

Live Online Classes

Live Stream lectures to the students through our Virtual Class Platform.


Virtual Class

The value of online learning has come to light since start of the pandemic in 2020. The global situation continues to change on a regular basis, and access to online education has helped students navigate all the recent ups and downs. Enable your institute to leverage the tech to go online when the situation demands.


Live Streaming and Screen Sharing are very useful technologies for distance learning which allows for real-time interaction and a virtual classroom-like environment to the students.

Demo Video

Checkout our video demonstrating the features of Learnframe.

Digital Online Learning System

Fully digital learning platform through Video Courses and Class Notes to the students.


Online Course

Video Courses, Course Syllabus, Notes and more. Online learning is becoming more and more popular. provides greater accessibility and flexibility to your students by enabling them to access course contents anywhere anytime. be regular course lectures or AddOn courses, module can be used as an enabler for greater accessibility.


We understand that, online education is not the preferred option for all the institutes. But, most institutes are opting for an hybrid approach. Even if classes are held offline, It is necessary to keep students engaged in learning when regular offline classes cannot be held or as enabler for learning during their free time online.

Online Assessment Module

Our Online Assessment Module helps conduct online tests and exams seamlessly. Any add-on tests or quizzes can be conducted to engage students in fruitful competitions. The results of the tests can also be made available online.

Online Tests and Exams

Our online assessments module supports multiple choice Questions (MCQs). Soon it supports code snippets, programming, diagrammatic and descriptive answers.

Performance Analytics

Our Data Analytics Engine performs detailed analytics on the Students' answer Sheets automatically which helps teachers get a clear picture of assessment, produces meaningful and actionable insights on student performance and helps provide personalized attention.

Advanced Data Analytics On Student Performance.

Students are the main stakeholders of the educational institutions. The performance of educational institutes plays an important role in producing paramount quality graduates and post-graduates.

In traditional method of evaluation, the teacher is expected to document students’ performance. At regular intervals, the results of this evaluation are shared with students and their parents in the form of a report card. Instead of this, LearnFrame automatically analyses the performance of each student soon after each test and exam and provides an insightful analytics on the student's performance which can be accessed by parents too. This helps teachers and parents to be informed in real-time and be proactive in corrective measures rather than being reactive.

LearnFrame App at a glance!

Some of our App screens to give you a fair picture of our Emerging app enabling educational institutes to leverage
Information technology in the emerging Hybrid model of Education.

Industry Academia Partnership

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology and Capulus Technologies Private Limited. This collaborative programme is intended to form a reliable Industry - Academia Partnership to have a meaningful and fruitful engagement in terms of innovation and development of research links.

It will provide students with the opportunity to get involved in the development of tech innovations with the company while getting practical exposure to tech trends.

This is what our esteemed clients have
to say

This is what our esteemed clients have to say

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Commonly Asked Questions

We have enumerated some of the commonly asked questions by our prospective clients. If these don't answer your queries, feel free to contact us through any medium mentioned in this page

Absolutely yes! We understand the concern of an institute to experience the product first-hand, understand its functionalities and see if the product delivers right value for you before buying it. Please Contact Us for a free demo and trial app.

Yes You can. The virtual class module of LearnFrame allows teachers to create, manage and conduct Live Online Classes through mobile app and desktop Web Application.

The Online Courses module of the app allows teachers to setup an online course which is equivalent to the subject you teach in class. Both Video content and PDF Notes can be uploaded in an online course. Students can access those through both mobile app and web application.

We try to provide value to our clients through addition of new and intuitive features regularly. Most of the new features will be delivered free of cost if it falls under your plan. Only premium features will be provided with a discounted price to our existing customers.

Yes, we provide monthly billing plans on a case to case basis. Please contact us so that we provide a best suitable billing plan for you.

Absolutely No. Gone are the days where you have to build the server, install the application, and configure it on-premise. Instead, LearnFrame is a SAAS solution which resides on cloud. You can simply sign up with us, and in a couple hours you’ll have the application ready for use. This reduces the time spent on installation and configuration and can reduce the issues that get in the way of the software deployment.

LearnFrame Mobile Application is available on Google Play

Registered Institute Users can login through your Registered Mobile Number and OTP.

Interested Institutes can request for a demo and trial License.