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    A Product of Capulus Technologies

    About CapulusTech

    Capulus Technologies is the partner of choice for many of the enterprises, SMEs and Government Departments. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design and I.T consulting services.

    With a strong focus on development of Smart Technology Solutions, Capulus Technologies was incorporated in May, 2017. Since founding, we have always believed in the highest level of integrity, followed a people-oriented approach, and given back to the society whenever possible.

    Our Portfolio

    Karnataka State Police Official App

    Forensic Science Laboratory Management System

    Mobile – Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems

    Private Cloud Video Conference Software

    Capulus Technologies has been the Technology Partner for several Important Initiatives. Two of our Software solutions are launched Chief Ministers of Karnataka. Our Smart Policing Technology Solutions have been appreciated by several News media and Governments.

    Since founding, we have always believed in the highest level of integrity, followed a people-oriented approach, and given back to the society whenever possible.

    Us During COVID-19

    Capulus Tech proactively participated in battle against COVID-19 through the implementation of technology solutions working with government. Check out the video!